11 Th3 Yamaha Nouvo For Sale
Yamaha Nouvo for sale at VietMotor !!!
Yamaha Nouvo. A very reliable and trustful bike. With very strong and smooth engine ( 115cc )
Our bikes are in good condition, everything working 100%
All bikes come with real blue card. We don’t give customers a fake blue card. If any customers think that we give you a fake blue card we can check with the police for that. If the police say the blue card is fake our shop will very happy to refund 100% of the money for you guys
Bikes also come with: Helmets, mirrors, rack, bungee straps, new oil,…
Price between $150 to $250
Why our bikes is so cheap???
We have our own lane. 5 thousand meters square at no.45 alley 464 Au Co Street. More than 1500 bikes there. With Pool Table, Football Table, Beers, Coffee. And next to the river so if you want to have a test drive by the river side you can come to our shop
With every customers buy bikes from us. You will get free beers, free taxi fee when you guys come!!!
Office 1 (Main Shop): No.51 Trinh Cong Son, Nhat Tan, Tay Ho, Ha Noi (near the Water park in West Lake)
Office 2: No.45 Alley 464 Au Co Street, Nhat Tan, Tay Ho, Ha Noi
Tel: +84369986789 (hotline) , +842462925959, +84336464020 ( Mr. Tue )
website: https://vietmotorbikes.com
fb: https://www.facebook.com/hanoi.rentalbikes
fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/vietmotorbikes
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